Tag: Jose Rizal-class frigate

The Philippine’s So-called frigate is nothing more than a Glorified OPV

The Philippine’s Jose Rizal-class frigate is nothing more than a glorified OPV because this so-called Frigate is not really ARMED like most frigates in the world when they come out of the Shipyard. What the Philippines really got is nothing more than a glorified Off-shore patrol vessel because it’s lacking the weapons and systems that are common on the Daegu class frigate and the Bhumibol Adulyadej–class frigate.

The sad thing about this Frigate is that it could have been properly armed and equipped but because of the Philippines incompetence and lack of knowledge in the Frigate, that this Frigate is really just an expensive and overpriced OPV. It’s not even equipped with all the standard weapons for AAW, ASW, and ASUW. Which makes this so called frigate more akin to an OPV than a Frigate.

Even the South Korean Daegu-class frigate is more heavily armed than the Philippines Jose Rizal-class frigate. It’s why the Daegu class frigate is much better armed and much better working than the Philippine’s Jose Rizal-class frigate which is FFBNW aka “fitted for but not with” Which is sad because that frigate could have been properly armed but instead, Philippine corruption and lack of knowledge in frigates is why the Philippines ended up with a Frigate that acts like an OPV instead of a REAL Frigate.

Now if the Philippines REALLY wanted a working Frigate, they should have gone the Indian Route and get the Talwar class frigate/Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate. At least with the Talwar class frigate/Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate, the Philippines got a working frigate they can build upon on and they can add Western subsystems and make the Talwar class frigate the MIG-35 of the sea.