Tag: United States Congress

Coast Guard struggling to update its aging fleet – USATODAY.com

378-foot High Endurance Cutter (WHEC) USCGC Ha...
Image via Wikipedia

From Coast Guard struggling to update its aging fleet – USATODAY.com.

The problem with the US Coast Guard is that Congress and America neglected to properly finance and properly fund the US Coast Guard. Congress kept piling on more missions and more requirements without adequate funding, and adequate congressional oversights. In a sense, Congress and America failed to support the US Coast Guard and failed to give what was necessary that Congress mandated.

That’s why the US Coast Guard has a problem with updating it’s fleet of white hull cutters and Black hull cutters. The average age of most of the US Coast Guard Cutters dates back to post world war 2 war era. While the rest of the US Military get’s the latest and greatest in hardware, ships and Aircraft. The US Coast Guard is left to do more with less money and less equipment on hand. The Us Coast guard winds up getting hand me downs from the US Navy and ships that the US Navy doesn’t need or want anymore.

The main problem with the US Coast Guard and from what the USA Today story points out is that the US Coast Guard gave management of their procurement to outside contractors. It was as if the US Coast Guard letting the foxes Guard the Hen house and no one was watching over it. The US Coast Guard failed to oversee and manage the project. That’s why the US Coast Guard can only show for what they got was 2 brand new National Security Cutters and two more on the way.

It’s going to be very hard for the US Coast Guard to convince Congress to pour more money into the US Coast Guard, unless the US Coast Guard does a complete 180 and overhauls how they procure and manage projects. Even for their new National security cutters, I believe the US Coast Guard should build one for every Hamilton Class cutter they retire.  Even when Congress is in a budget conscious mood, it’s going to be a tough sell for the US Coast Guard unless they come up with some way that is going to convince Congress  to pour more money into the US Coast Guard.

TSA Sexual abuse of a 6 yr old

Folks, I saw this on CNN today about how the TSA pats down of all people a 6 yr old girl. It is wrong, and frankly, it is down right abusive and most of all stupid for the TSA to pat down 6 yr old kids. What is wrong with the TSA these days. It seems to me that the TSA is run by incompetent and mismanaged idiots and frankly, the TSA is a Security JOKE. What I saw in the Video amounts to almost child abuse and I’m not surprise that State child welfare services isn’t screaming  mad over this. This to me is why the TSA needs to be cut and completely scrapped. We need to simply scrap the TSA system and go with the Airport security system the Israeli‘s have. What we have is nothing more than theater security and a charade to show how big.

Folks, If I were Congress and Mr Obama, I would completely scrap and abolish the TSA. I would replace the TSA with the Israeli style Airport security system. What we have in America, is a JOKE and Frankly it’s a waste of taxpayers time and Money. I wonder what monetary value are we getting out of the TSA and is it worth funding and keeping the TSA. Why am I paying for this kind of crap and not getting good Airport security that you would normally see in Europe. Shouldn’t we be demanding our congress to get rid of the TSA and replace the TSA with the Israeli Airport security system.

Here’s the Video and you decide folks;

US Health care reform

Okay, I am going to weigh in on Congress‘s Vote on Health care reform.  I think that Universal health care coverage should be a right in America and that every American should have some type of health care coverage no matter if they are rich or poor.  What  Congress did last night, sent a message that Health care reform will become the law of the land and that everyone in America will have some type of universal health care coverage. Now I am all in favor of the Health care reform that our congress and the President is pushing for America. It may not be perfect, but at least it’s a start somewhere and I hope that with changes, they can make it where everyone has some type of universal health care coverage. I think what congress did, set the ground work for future changes where people will universal health care coverage and that universal health care coverage will become a right and the law of the land.

The only problem with health care reform that I see in America is that how are we going to fund this and how are we going to get more doctors, nurses, physician assistants and allied health staff. I think that Health care reform should include funding more training for more doctors, Nurses, Physician Assistants and allied health staff to meet the demands of universal health care. The one thing I would likes to see, is that their is a public option for those who are poor and can’t afford health care. I would likes to see a public option compete with the private HMO‘s and give people the option to choose a public or private health care.

So as the health care reform becomes the law of the land in America, i think it’s a good start somewhere despite being imperfect. It is a good start to get reforms going and it’s something to work off of to get to the eventual Universal health care  coverage. It may not be perfect, but I think that it is a good start and I can see years down the road where people will have a right to universal health care coverage in America and where people will have equal access to health care. I support the health care reform that congress voted and pass and I think that after the smoke clears and people will calm down. People will accept that health care reform is a reality and that everyone will understand it years down the road.

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